
12 After '12 on the 12th. An On the Waterfront Reunion.

Celebrate the legacy of On the Waterfront and help support local music scholarships:

The Howard Family/Charlotte's Web Memorial Fund

The Gary S Wilmer/RAMI Music Scholarship

Music, memorabilia, food, drinks, and a Silent Auction...

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Roundtable Panel Discussion: Live/Work/Make Spaces

The Arts Council is hosting its quarterly Round Table for Creatives on June 11, 2024:
•    Who: All visual artists, performing artists, musicians, literary artists, and creative businesses are welcome!
•    What: A vibrant discussion about creative work/live spaces, particularly the Arts Overlay District and its possibilities (see attached)
•    Where: Rockford Music Academy, 226 S...

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33rd Annual RAMI Awards Ceremony

Friday, April 19th - 7:00 p...

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Hard Rock Casino Contributes to RAMI Scholarship Fund

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc (RAMI) would like to thank Hard Rock Casino and their patrons for their generous contribution to our endowment that supports our tuition grants for K-12 students at the Music Academy of Rockford...

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RAMI Awards voting is open until 03/15/2025

RAMI Awards Program

Our Sponsors

Support the RAMIs

All donations help support RAMI scholarships, music education programs, and RAMI sponsored events.

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @ ramiawards.com

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.