RAMI Lifetime Achievement Page

Lifetime Achievement Award

This award is given to an active member (unless prevented by ill health) of the RAMI Community who has dedicated a substantial portion of his/her life towards the enhancement of the local music scene. Recipients need not be RAMI members; but must currently live in the Rockford Area (within 50-mile radius of State and Main) and have a minimum of twenty years total residence and performance in said area. Nominees will be evaluated not only on their excellence or achievement within their own field but also for showing leadership within the community to promote broader access to, participation in and understanding of music and the arts.

No more than two (2) Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented for any eligibility year.

1991 - Cheap Trick
1993 - Brian Gifford
1994 - Art Casteneda
1995 - Gary S. Wilmer
1996 - Ralph & Marilyn Nielsen
1997 - Karen & Bill Howard
1998 - Stan Reese
1999 - Eleanor Stanlis
1999 - Johnny Porrazzo
2000 - Matt Spinello
2000 - Wilbur & Carmen Pursley
2001 - John Bishoff
2001 - Val Eddy
2002 - Bill Pearse
2002 - Ernie "Sugar Lips" Brown
2002 - Maxine Holler
2003 - Dorothy Paige-Turner
2003 - Peter Gianquinto
2004 - Floyd Murphy
2004 - Margaret & John Kleber
2004 - Matt "Guitar" Murphy
2005 - Julian De Luna
2005 - Lois Peterson
2005 - Richard "Dick" Burgess
2006 - Doris LaMarca
2006 - Jack Brand
2007 - Cono Laloggia
2007 - Frank R. Guzzardo
2007 - Helen Armstrong
2007 - Ken Flodin
2008 - Guy Fiorenza
2008 - Homer Carlson
2008 - Jason Phillips
2008 - Kay Koster
2008 - Mike Alongi
2008 - Tony Principali
2009 - Alex LasCasas
2009 - Bernie Dailey
2009 - Bill Doll
2009 - Bill Johnson
2009 - Clyde Bachand
2009 - Dave "Colonel" Leis
2009 - Harold Smith
2009 - Jim Wren
2009 - Matt Brown
2009 - Patricia Hayes Parks
2009 - Ric Ruiz
2010 - Doug Furze
2010 - Joseph Paluzzi
2010 - Vincent Chiarelli
2011 - Bruce Hammond
2011 - Frank Schier
2012 - Rulee Stallman
2012 - Vito J. DiAngelo
2013 - Bruce L. Warden
2014 - Al Paluzzi Sr.
2015 - Mike Williamson
2017 - Bill Korst
2017 - Ken Stein
2019 - Lou Rios
2020 - Steven Larson
2021 - Rich Gordon
2023 - Clark Colborn

RAMI Awards Program

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Support the RAMIs

All donations help support RAMI scholarships, music education programs, and RAMI sponsored events.

PO Box 4128, Rockford, IL 61110
ramicommittee @ ramiawards.com

Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, any donations to the Rockford Area Music Industry, Inc. may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.